Computer Repair Specialists
Evolution Computers offers a variety computer solutions for software, hardware, network and any other computer related issues. Our knowledgeable technicians are prompt and efficient at solving any computer problem. We use the most up to date virus detection and spy ware software to help your computer run better and be more secure on the Internet.
PC Clean up & Virus Removal
Hardware Diagnostics & Repairs
Software Errors & Installation
Business Servers & Network Support
Home or Business Wifi Setup or Diagnostics
Emergency Computer Service Available!
Business IT Solutions
We offer full computer reloads, network installation support, data recovery and data transfer your from your old computer to a new computer. If you have a small hardware problem or a need help networking your computers in your or business, we offer great solutions at affordable rates.

We offer flat rates on many of our computer services. Hourly services are given a quote guarantee meaning we will never go over the original price of the quote. For more information visit our Repair Rates for a complete list of prices and services we provide.
Computer Repair Pricing